Writing Retreat–Spring 2023

Writing Retreat
Writing Retreat at Latham Springs

Writing Retreat. What exactly does that mean? Fantastic question as the deadline for Texas Radical Writers’ spring 2023 retreat looms. Registration ends this weekend. If you want to attend, you still have time, and we still have spaces open. But don’t wait too long.

Now, back to the question. What do we mean by writing retreat?

Many, in fact most, writing retreats include workshops and hours of sitting listening with little opportunities for writing. Some do a better job of “down” time for writers to attack their work in progress. Before choosing one, ask what to expect or check the agenda.

Defining Writing Retreat

Merriam-Webster includes several definitions for the word “retreat.” I want to focus on three. 1) an act or process of withdrawing especially from what is difficult, dangerous, or disagreeable. 2) a period of group withdrawal for prayer, meditation, study, or instruction under a director. 3) a place of privacy or safety REFUGE

With those definitions in mind, we all find daily life mundane and often disagreeable. At best, it interferes as we try to focus on a current writing project. Even those who live alone struggle with finding time to pursue our writing projects. Don’t we all need a place of privacy, where we feel safe with like-minded people? We can say we withdraw from daily life to write, but how many times does something distract us? Like hunger pains or someone asking, “What’s for dinner?”

We need to retreat from ourselves to write. While the instruction and study can benefit us all, years ago some of us in these writing groups longed to simply get away from life and write. Thus, we started having occasional writing retreats. Small, and all women, the guys felt a bit left out. When we found Latham Springs, we had an unrestricted area to hold retreats and maintain a reasonable price for a weekend getaway.

We chose to eliminate an agenda (except for mealtimes). Not to say we don’t learn from each other, because we do. At Radical Writers Retreats, we interact with each other, bounce ideas off each other, and write. If requested, we might have an hour-long teaching session, but we choose to spend our time writing.


Come for the weekend expecting to write. Period. You get out of the weekend what you put in. So expect to leave with more words written than when you came. Most of us bring laptops, but some work with pen and paper. Those who draw, sketch, or paint might bring those tools as well. The environment works for creativity.

Writing space: Plan to write in a conference room with others, in your hotel-style room, or anywhere on the grounds. Latham Springs has plenty of room, even if other groups show up the same weekend as we go. You may want headphones to block out distractions, though some work well with noise.

Food: We love snacks. You are welcome to bring those you prefer either for yourself or to share. We never go hungry. Plus, the dining hall welcomes us with three yummy meals on Saturday and Sunday for breakfast. If you’re a soda person, you can feed the vending machine onsite, or bring some with you. We always pick up some bottled water and ice, plus having coffee available throughout the day.

Retreat: Leave the world behind. Yes, they have Internet, but it might be slow. That can help with cutting out distractions, too. During the weekend, take time for a walk around the grounds. Breathe fresh air, and relax. With no agenda, you can come and go, write, read or simply sit. They also have a lovely prayer garden, hiking trails, and frisbee golf if you’re so inclined. Sometimes, when writing for extended periods, we need breaks.

Interaction: With other writers, you have the opportunity to learn, bounce ideas, pick brains with expertise that differs from yours. During breaks and mealtimes, we have interesting conversations, which makes the weekend even better.

Register for the Spring 2023 Writing Retreat

For more details, times, etc., visit the events at Texas Radical Writers, and get registered before you miss it. If this weekend doesn’t work, stay tuned. We’ll do it again in the fall.

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