Why Write?

Why write? When someone first learns I write for a living, she (or he) lights up. With sparkling eyes, the questions begin. Really? What do you write? Are you published? Do you have books I can buy and read? (Well,…

July 1, 2022 – Evil Adverbs

Evil adverbs haunt our writing if we don’t pay attention to and eliminate them. As we study books on writing, attend workshops and conferences, and participate in writers’ groups, we learn to avoid adverbs. While not always possible, try to…

Writing Dialogue

Do you find yourself writing dialogue and wonder why it sounds weird? Sometimes, we try too hard when forming words our characters speak. Below are five ways to make writing dialogue easier and better. He said, she said One of…

The Value of Feedback

“When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man (woman), I did away with childish things.” Paul the Apostle, I Corinthians 13:11 (NASB) When we…

Radical Writing-Welcome!

Welcome to the world of radical writing with Radical Writers! What is radical writing? Simply the desire to write at a higher level, where we care about little things like grammar, overused words, passive verbs and proper and deep point…