Gratitude for Writers

Gratitude. Lately, so many people talk about gratitude. Of course, they do. Thanksgiving arrives the day after tomorrow. I fell short in blogging lately, and that never makes me feel good. Plus, if I neglect posting, it seems like someone…


NaNoWriWhat? NaNoWriMo. Short for National Novel Writing Month, the annual event occurs every November, and the goal? Write a 50,000-word novel during the 30 days. When I first heard of it, I thought NaNoWriWhat? Once I understood its purpose, it…

October 7, 2022 – Friday Prompt Me

As writers, we all need encouragement. I look forward to #Writers in the Field this weekend, so in celebration of a hopeful epic return, today write a detailed experience you had at a conference, workshop, or writing group that kept…

September 2, 2022 – Friday Prompt Me

On a rainy Friday, what better way to spend time than writing? Today, let’s do one of my favorite prompts that helps with showing instead of telling. Write about a thunderstorm without using the following words: rain, thunder, lightning. Have…