December 9, 2022 – Friday Prompt Me – Who Said?

Who said? …you can’t write. …you can’t get published. …you aren’t good enough. …you can’t succeed. …you can’t market. …you can’t find time. …you can’t (fill in the blank).

Often, the who said ends up being our negative inner voice. But might I also remind you, today, we have an enemy who knows the power of words. Could it be his lies you keep hearing? Or perhaps someone said negative words from his or her place of insecurity.

Who said you can’t? I used to tell my daughters to take can’t out of their vocabulary, and I admonish you with those same words. Quit saying can’t and quit listening to lies that keep you from writing what God called you to create.

For today’s writing prompt, choose one thought that keeps you from writing or finishing what you started. Write down who said that whatever. Then determine if there is truth in the thought. If so, what can you do to change it? Example: I’m not good enough to write. Change to: I can learn and perfect writing skills.

If the thought that haunts you isn’t true, write a paragraph about why that deceptive thought isn’t true. Next, write 10 affirmations that defuse the lie. After that, enjoy your writing knowing you can do this. Who said? Holy Spirit said so. If God called you to write, He also equipped you.

Now, go forth and write.

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