Category Writing Stuff

One Author’s Marketing Experience

Author’s marketing requires skills many of us need to acquire. This week, Radical Writers welcomes award-winning author, Henry McLaughlin. For more about Henry, check out his links at the bottom of this post. Guest post on author’s marketing by Henry…

Editing Cost & Expectations

Editing costs vary depending on the type of edit and the editor’s personal rates. Unfortunately, many writers hear, “Get a professional edit.” But unless you know what type of edit you need, you may pay extra or not contract for…

Technical Difficulties

Technical difficulties stink. Have you missed posts on this site? For months, I spent countless hours trying to fix technical issues and failing miserably. But I’m back, ready to challenge writers with something. Why not address this thing of technology?…

Summer Writing

Summer writing–sounds promising, doesn’t it? For many of us, summer doesn’t change anything. We keep going as if the season didn’t change. But let’s face it. Many people spend more time outside and perhaps traveling during the summer months, and…

Tracking Changes: Editor’s Viewpoint

Tracking changes always existed in an editor’s toolbox. It looked different back when we did everything hard copy. Those days, long gone, morphed into something new. In MS Word, which most editors use for editing manuscripts, track changes functionality makes…

Writing Retreat–Spring 2023

Writing Retreat. What exactly does that mean? Fantastic question as the deadline for Texas Radical Writers’ spring 2023 retreat looms. Registration ends this weekend. If you want to attend, you still have time, and we still have spaces open. But…

Ending 2022 Well

Ending 2022 well depends on your attitude toward the future. Merry Christmas and Happy 2023. Every year, I get to December 26 and lament the ending of Christmas again. Perhaps I lament because I worked too hard and didn’t fit…

Gratitude for Writers

Gratitude. Lately, so many people talk about gratitude. Of course, they do. Thanksgiving arrives the day after tomorrow. I fell short in blogging lately, and that never makes me feel good. Plus, if I neglect posting, it seems like someone…


NaNoWriWhat? NaNoWriMo. Short for National Novel Writing Month, the annual event occurs every November, and the goal? Write a 50,000-word novel during the 30 days. When I first heard of it, I thought NaNoWriWhat? Once I understood its purpose, it…

Strong Beginnings – Critical for Success

Strong beginnings for stories, articles and books come from common practices that transcend between genres and types of writing. Without strong beginnings, we may lose a reader before they start. Haven’t you picked up a book or an article to…