Category Friday Prompt Me

Friday prompts for weekend writing.

January 20, 2023 – Friday Prompt Me

Confession time. I haven’t remained faithful in posting blogs or Friday prompts. Hopefully, you began 2023 faithful to writing times anyway. If not, no better time to correct course than today. And with that… What if you had no constraints…

December 16, 2022 – Friday Prompt Me


Most authors struggle with marketing, perhaps because most of us have introverted personalities and don’t normally share much of anything with others. However, we understand that if we want to sell books, we must market them. For today’s prompt, take…

October 7, 2022 – Friday Prompt Me

As writers, we all need encouragement. I look forward to #Writers in the Field this weekend, so in celebration of a hopeful epic return, today write a detailed experience you had at a conference, workshop, or writing group that kept…