Category Friday Prompt Me

Friday prompts for weekend writing.

May 12, 2023 – Friday Prompt Me

Cliche Rephrasing Look at your current work in progress. Regardless of genre, book, article, poetry, whatever, underline any cliched phrase in it. Write alternatives for each of those phrases. Remember, actions (waking to an alarm clock) can also be cliche.…

May 5, 2023 Friday Prompt Me

Imagine you’re on the way to your wedding ceremony. As you drive past a pond, you see a group of kids, screaming. Their friend in the water just went under, not coming back up. What do you do? Write this…

March 24, 2023 – Friday Prompt Me

Ever try writing with humor? For non-fiction, humor can keep a reader interested. In fiction, especially when dealing with serious or dark subjects, humor allows the reader to breathe for a moment. The best writing evokes emotion, and laughter is…

Friday Prompt Me-March 17, 2023

Happy St. Patrick’s Day. I had to say that, since I have a fair percentage of Irish blood flowing through my veins. For today’s prompt, let’s practice research and then write what we find. Why do we celebrate this day?…

February 17, 2023 – Friday Prompt Me

Fear keeps us in bondage. It prevents us from reaching our full potential–as writers, as people in general. For today’s writing prompt, consider what you fear most. Spend some time writing what you would do if that fear didn’t exist.…

January 27, 2023 – Friday Prompt Me

Do you employ emotional writing? For today’s prompt, choose a scene from your current work in progress. Read it with an objective heart. Does it evoke any emotion in you? If not, try rewriting the scene while considering the emotions…