Technical Difficulties

Technical Issues

Technical difficulties stink. Have you missed posts on this site?

For months, I spent countless hours trying to fix technical issues and failing miserably. But I’m back, ready to challenge writers with something. Why not address this thing of technology? You know–the minor detail many of us detest? Honestly, I love technology, until the technical problem rears its monstrous head.

Yet writers must learn to deal with technology to fully succeed. Sorry. It’s the way of our world. The days of handwriting and submitting a manuscript to an editor, agent, or publisher flew away decades ago. We need electronic files to make any headway in the industry. But we can’t stop there. We need to have some idea of how to use social media, create a website, build an email list… The idea can seem overwhelming. While I can’t address all of this in a single blog, I can encourage you not to let lack of technical knowledge defeat you. When you have an issue, technology also has amazing tools. Learn to use YouTube and search functions there, on Google, Bing or whatever search engine you prefer, and reach out to “experts,” including those writers a bit savvier than yourself. Then again, you can always ask your kids or grandkids.

Technical Red Flags

While speaking of technology, I spoke with a writer today. She received an offer to publish her book. Thrilled at first, the IF statement made her question whether to accept that offer. When she called me for advice, I told her, “Don’t pay a company $14,000 to publish your book.”

What does that have to do with technology? A lot. Because of changes in the book industry, more companies keep popping up wanting to help authors get their books out there. Technically, what they do isn’t illegal. It might be a bit immoral in my opinion. Look closely for technical red flags, and don’t fall for it. We used to have the old pred-ed website. You can follow Predators and Editors on Facebook, and perhaps one day, they’ll complete their website. For now, visit Writer Beware for some fantastic information about publishers. In coming weeks, watch this site for posts about publishing options.

In the meantime, welcome back to Texas Radical Writers. I’m glad to be up and running again. If you haven’t been to a writing group lately, or perhaps you’ve never joined us, both groups still meet monthly (except when we get close to holidays). Check out more information about our groups.

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