August 19, 2022 Friday Prompt Me

Memorable days create emotions.

Memorable days can occur without warning. Any day can become momentous on a personal level. Today, consider and write about the most memorable day of your life. What happened? Why do you remember it? Write from your heart and include emotions. Share your work in the comments.

One comment

  1. Five years ago, August 19, 2017, opened with an unimaginable headache. Non-coherent, I half-dressed after falling asleep in the shower. I returned to bed, where I swear an enemy tried to kill me. He failed. Anguish filled every ounce of my being, brain cells attempting to urge me to call for help, but unable to connect thoughts to fingers. Fear? When you can’t think, fear has a difficult time finding its way to consciousness. EMTs on my back porch, a Care Flight I barely remember, waking in an ER room, they announced I had a stroke. I quiver, now, writing those words, realizing nothing short of miracles account for my life and ability to function without the loss of peripheral vision and use of my left hand I experienced that day. Memorable? Yes. I’m fortunate not to have experienced additional strokes, heart issues or severe debilitation. I celebrate on this memorable day, grateful beyond imagination and fully aware of God’s mercies.

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