Radical Writing-Welcome!

Tools of radical writing
The world of radical writing

Welcome to the world of radical writing with Radical Writers!

What is radical writing? Simply the desire to write at a higher level, where we care about little things like grammar, overused words, passive verbs and proper and deep point of view. Anyone can write, but not everyone can write well. As the leader of two groups under the umbrella of Radical Writers, I love watching seasoned and new writers learn skills they never knew before. I treasure watching the changes in their writing over time, and it thrills my heart to know they appreciate what we bring to each other. I lead, but they teach me as much as they learn.

For a long time, members of Radical Writers groups wanted a website where we could communicate between monthly meetings. We also desired a place where anyone might find us on the Internet and learn more about and from our two groups. Whether people join us physically or merely follow what we post here in the future, we long to become a resource you love. After trying Facebook, it became apparent that an attempt to protect the privacy of group members meant not allowing anyone to find and read our posts. While it gave us a place to show upcoming events, only members got to view that content.

The remedy? Build a simple website.

The issue? Time restraints on our fearless but busy leader. Building a website can take a few minutes, an hour, or days, weeks and months. In an attempt at putting something together, we now have this website. Live and ready for more content and interaction. Of course, some Radical Writers members may require a learning curve to assist with this endeavor of radical writing. Growing pains always accompany a new feat, don’t they?

As leader of Heart & Soul Writers and Living Waters Writers, I have a vision of what we can become–ideally a resource for writers everywhere, not only our small groups. Over time, we will add content such as recommended resources, reposts or guest blogs, a calendar of upcoming events with links. These won’t be only Radical Writers events, but also may include other writing events in our area.

I created this website as a service for those who journey with me along that sometimes-lonesome path of writing. What content will help you most? Aesthetically, can I improve the overall look and feel? Let me know how I can best serve your needs.

Welcome to Radical Writers’ website–a place where radical writing can blossom and grow.


  1. okay. got here. it looks really good. am still figuring out how to get anywhere and for some reason on my phone it shows as unsecure. but you’ll get that straightened out. i know

  2. I just attended my first meeting and I was blown away by the professionalism, help , and encouragement! Looking forward to the next meeting!

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